Friday, September 10, 2010


People who enjoy spicy food. This feeling is derived from chili peppers as a spice. Why can spicy chili taste?
This spicy flavor because it contains substances called chili pepper capsaicin and other substances. This spicy flavor comes from capsaicin create the same signal to the brain, such as when skin is exposed to heat. Unlike the hot, burning sensation of the tongue only "taste", not the actual burning.
Capsaicin is a nonpolar substance, not mixed with hot water like oil. So if the spiciness will not be cured by drinking water because it will not dissolve capsaicin. In fact, spicy flavor that can be spread through the mouth. The best way to eliminate the spicy flavor is the fat or oil.
Both these substances can dissolve the capsaicin so easily lost from the mouth. Spicy flavor will disappear fast.
Police often use capsaicin to control the riots. Liquid capsaicin is known for its easy tear gas causes irritation in people. Not all living things can feel hot. Birds, for example, can not feel at all spicy. Birds can eat the peppers directly.