Saturday, September 11, 2010


Anemia is often referred to as "low blood" suffered many of the world population. Anemia resulting tissue is inhibited. This will inhibit cellular respiration, so the energy produced is reduced. As a result, the symptoms arose wearily, feeling cold, ear whined, headache, dizziness, palpitations, as well as face and pale skin. 
Simply put, we can actually detect the state of anemia by checking the inside of a person under the eye lids, skin color under the nails, or see the color of blood if you are not intentionally out of our bodies. The more red blood on it, means more oxygen content.
Conversely, the more bright young or lower then his Hb level. 

Please note that iron from animal products is absorbed only 10% -20%, while the vegetable is worse, that is about 1% -5% only. Another thing to note is the pattern of sweets. Generally food vendors sold food, including fast food and instant food, containing less iron.
In order to combat anemia, can be done in several ways. 

1. Try to eat green vegetables, lean red meat, beef liver, fish, shellfish, and cereals contain iron, also increase the absorption of iron from other foods. 

2. Eating foods containing vitamin C, such as fruits, tomatoes and strawberries. This is very helpful absorption of iron from food. 

3. Reduce drinking tea because tea contains tannins that can hamper the absorption of iron from food. However, processed tea leaves, such as herbal tea and green tea are not included in it.