Saturday, September 11, 2010


In addition to nutritious food should also be tasty and attractive so that contains the appetite. In order for the food look more attractive and have good taste, to the food added to a variety of chemicals known as food additives. What are a group of food additives?

1. Substance Preservatives

Foods containing nutritious substances, such as proteins, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins, minerals, and water. Foods stored too long, will result in the growth of bacteria / fungi. The presence of bacteria / fungus in the diet will cause changes in taste and shape, such as stale, slimy, out of gas, and grow mold or maggots.To inhibit the growth of bacteria / fungi and maintain the nutrients in food, need to add preservatives.

2. Antioxidant Substance

If you store food made from peanuts in a state of open, over time it will taste rancid nuts. Do you know why that can happen? Foods containing fat or oil, will cause a reaction between the oil / fat and oxygen molecules. Reactions that make nuts become rancid. To prevent this, added to the food antioxidants.

3. Substance Dyes

4. Substance Sweeteners

Have you ever drank coffee without sugar? Or have you ever made without added sugar bean? Sweet represents the basic components, such as salty and sour taste. In order for syrup, jam, and sweet soy sauce, in the process of making the sweetener added.