Tuesday, September 14, 2010


Opinions of people and couples Options
 In terms of choosing a partner, who did not know people's opinions are very hamper decision. That was proven in research Skyler Place of Psychological and Brain Sciences Department at Indiana University, USA.

Place to ask 40 students and 40 students watched a video that shows lightning eight dating sessions between a man and woman. The researchers then measured the followers of interest to men or women's studies in these videos.

The result is men against women participating interest in the video increased after watching the tape. The stronger their interest if the guy in the video attracted by the female and is considered equal or better looking than themselves. The same participants also indicated women against men in the video.

"People consider the preferences of others to make the search process more efficient," said Place.

Opinions of friends and family, said Place, of course also considered important. "To our surprise, we showed that (opinion) people who had no known also influential." (HealthDay News/EP/X-5)