Wednesday, September 15, 2010


In the past .. People do not celebrate birthdays, just after the calendar was found, they started marking the days that are considered important, including the day of birth. They believe that evil spirits will come to someone in the day of his birth for the blow of bad luck. Then made the show such as dancing, singing and fun to drive out evil spirits earlier. Family and closest friends were invited to participate rejoice, pray and make a wish make a good birthday. This birthday tradition continues to grow and have their own peculiarities in each area, some of them ..

Birthday celebration is not celebrated in Africa each year, but more to a certain age are considered an important step. Asante in Ghana for example the nation celebrates "Krada". People who repeat the year to be up really early and took a shower with water that evening prepared leaf is considered sacred. Held the evening meal with family and friends to honor the birthday and the invitation is usually wearing a white shirt.
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Latin America
In Mexico, they make a pinata, which is shaped stuffed animals, flowers, cars, or any other form that is filled with all sorts of things inside. This pinata hanging from the ceiling and a birthday should be hitting the pinata with a stick and eyes closed. If pinata successfully solved, people are taking the contents of this pinata. People who successfully solve the pinata is considered to have good fortune.

Argentine children pulled his ears every time a birthday. They can pull one time each year (ouch!)

Middle East

Egyptians celebrate birthdays with dancing and singing when their children reach the age of one year. Flowers and fruits used as decorations birthday as a symbol of growth.

People of Saudi Arabia does not celebrate birthdays, they are more fun to celebrate religious holidays and weddings.

In Israel, the birthday person sits in a chair decorated with fresh flowers and leaves. They will lift the chair several times according to age and added a one-time celebrated for good luck.
In Japan, there Sichi-go-san Festival (meaning "seven-five-three") are families with children ages had been allowed into the festival that was held this November 15 with the best dress or kimono.

In China, people believe that tigers protect children. So for every new birth, they endow all things with a tiger motif.

Hong Kong people will be cooking long noodles on birthday celebrations as a sign of longevity.

In Korea, there is a celebration of "Paegi" the hundred days of childbirth. Today's parents of children fasted for the baby.
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Birthday tradition in England has been there since long. Ranging from greeting cards to send each other birthday cakes filled by objects or coins as a symbol of luck for people who get a piece of cake with a coin earlier.

Norwegians, Danish, and Sweden will be presenting the State flag in front of their home if a family member's birthday.

Netherlands and Germany celebrate the birthday with a cake

While Russians make a pie.

Scottish and Canadian butter or fat in the nose are repeated year to deceive the bad luck came into their lives.
United States
In America, people celebrate birthdays with cake and candles. A birthday make a wish before blowing the candles. If the wax off all in one blast, wish would come true. The song "Happy Birthday" was created in 1893 by Mildred J. Hill and Patty Smith Hill, two brothers who became a teacher in Louisville. The song became the most widely sung songs in each year.