Thursday, April 14, 2011


Many people are familiar with a strict diet to maintain good health. More emphasis on natural foods, so nutrients remain intact consumption. The diet is recommended eat more fresh fruits and vegetables rich in vitamins, minerals and fiber are important. 

This can be cooked as long ... 

Literally, the food is raw food. In fact, not necessarily the case. These, whether vegetarian food is divided into different categories. Eat only raw foods, there is no connection. Yes, diet is also known to the art of cooking. Initially, adults are not exempt, and used at temperatures below 50 ° C. In this way, the expected food free of bacteria and nutrients are not damaged. But true food materials carefully because there is still food. Tubers such as chicken and beef. 

It is important that food prices 

Concerns about pesticide residues in foods can be avoided by choosing organic. Or, remove pesticides from washing materials using a solution of liquid chlorine or wash the fruit. Cooked food can still choose a good quality. Why is cooked, it should be noted that the process of cooking raw food is not recommended temperature for all types of bacteria, especially those with high temperatures to destroy resistance.