Fiber is important for digestive health and help reduce the fat into the body. This is made possible by a function of fiber that can absorb excess fat, cholesterol, and bile acids in the gut to be excreted with feces.
Fiber is found only in foods of plant origin, such as vegetables, fruits, and grains. dietary fiber consists of polysaccharides (complex carbohydrates), such as cellulose and other substances that make up plant cell walls. In the digestive tract, fiber can not be digested.
This is because the human body is not equipped with enzymes that can digest fiber. However, it was important for the fiber has the function of the body. Fiber for the body's functions include the following.
a. Fiber stimulates the activity of the normal intestinal tract in defecating.
b. Fiber helps you lose weight.
c. Dietary fiber in sufficient quantities can protect the body from colon diseases, such as colon cancer, hemorrhoids, infection, appendicitis, stomach ulcers, and hemorrhoids.
d. Dietary fiber may prevent the existence of fatty deposits in artery walls inside.